Thursday, February 25, 2010


It's my birthday :)

I'm 29. One year to go before I turn 30. The reason I started this blog.

I wanted to capture my life before I turn 30. I wanted the words on paper and the feelings and emotions captured in real time. So here goes...

My first day of being 29 - I feel fabulous. I had cake for dinner last night :) May have acquired a few smile lines but they indicate good times so I'm not complaining. I am grateful for what I have right now and ready to accept the challenges that face me. Today will be a good day. Tomorrow will be a good day. And every day after that I will find something that makes me smile.

Here's toasting to a fabulous 29 years!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I live 7.5km away the office. Just 7.5km. But my God does the traffic suck!! I'm almost certain that last year I did not have to deal with any major traffic, I could get to work in 10 minutes and keep my sanity. 2010 seems to have brought with it a large amount of new drivers, with very little confidence and not much knowledge of how the rules of the road work.

I now spend 30 minutes or more each morning in the traffic, dodging assholes who don't seem to know where their indicators are located and women in huge SUV type cars breaking every few seconds for no apparent reason.

I fear I will loose my mind.

Luckily for me, we are moving! The office that is. We have decided to relocate to an office park that is home to other NGOs. The new place is 2km from my home :)

There definitely is a God :)

Monday, February 15, 2010


Had an amazing time in Durban and Margate these past ten days. I'm home now and happy to be. Walking into my flat last night the first thing I did was to hug my two babies. That's Asif and Sophie up there - love them to bits. All the time I was away I kept wondering how they were doing. T looked after them - I'm sure she loves them almost as much as I do.

I'm happy to be back in my own bed, have all my clothes and shoes to choose from and to get back into routine.

I'll post some photos of my trip to the very top of the World Cup Stadium in Durban (when I download them, after catching up with all the other things I have to do!) I also went on a harbour cruise, had a three hour dinner on a boat, drove around Durban, discovered UKZN and sweated off half my body weight. Oh and I also threw up after being in the car for an hour - I am allergic to manual cars :(

B and I also had a heart to heart talk. The important thing is that things were said that needed to be said for a very long time.

Going to tackle my inobx...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Just over 24 hours at the coast and i feel like I’ve been on holiday for forever. i am relaxed, calm, clear headed and only slightly sun burnt from spending too much time at the pool and walking on the beach. Durban is still not my favorite place to visit but for now it’s just what i need – the ocean and sunshine, people i love and great food!